Saturday, August 24, 2024

Book Review - Justice Delivered by Patricia Bradley


Justice Delivered by Patricia Bradley is about a woman, Carly Smith, who tries to face her past demons. Carly Smith was a victim of sex trafficking. She was lured by a promise of a modeling gig, and ended up being kidnapped. After escaping, she tried to build a better life for herself. She is trying to move on and she works as a trauma counselor to help people in need.

While working with another patient, the person’s story resonated with Carly. She felt that it was very similar to her own trafficking story. Deciding to take matters in her own hands, she travels back home to see if she can help capture the man who kidnapped her. However, while working on helping her patient, Carly unwittingly led the perpetrators to her niece, Lexi, who gets kidnapped.  Carly will have to overcome her fear and trust issues, if she wants to bring her niece home.

The book is a part of a series but can be read as a standalone. It was a fast paced read and it had a few twists and turns. Some of them were predictable but one did take me by surprise. The book was told from multiple points of views. It was interesting reading the different character views. There was a romance aspect to the novel but I thought it was lackluster. I didn’t find any chemistry between the characters. Overall, I thought it was an interesting read and I would be open to reading more books by the author.

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