Monday, June 3, 2024

Book Review - Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine


Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine is about two girls who are trying to find out the truth about the three murders that happened seventeen years ago.  Olivia is like every other teenager, except her birth was tied to one of the most gruesome murders their town has ever seen. She was born the same day three people were murdered at Camp Lost Lake.

Olivia was assigned to work on her family tree for a class project. She decided to send her DNA swab for analysis to get a full-picture view of her family tree. Unfortunately, she finds out that the man she has been calling dad is not her biological father. She is now determined to find out the truth about her birth. She decides that the only place she can get the truth is at Camp Lost Lake, where everything began.

Reagan has spent most of her teenage years on the run. Her mother is the suspected murderer of the three people from Camp Lost Lake all those years ago. They had been in hiding when an unsolved murder mystery podcast outed Reagan’s mother. Reagan believes that her mother is innocent and is determined to clear her name and get their lives back. The opportunity for Reagan and Olivia to find out the truth comes when Olivia’s older sister, Andie, decides to reopen Camp Lost Lake. Will the duo be able to find out what happened before history repeats itself?

The book was an interesting and fast-paced read. I found myself glued to the storyline while trying to guess who was behind the murders. The book had some twists and turns as well as a few predictable moments. The book was told from Olivia’s and Reagan’s alternating points of view. I liked reading how they both reacted when finding out secrets from the past. The author also included a few flashbacks from the time of the murders, which I liked reading. It helped give readers some clues and context behind events.  I didn’t care for the romance arc of the book, but I enjoyed reading everything else. I would be open to reading more books by the author. 

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