A review of consumer goods, make up, book reviews and sometimes a random review.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Kneipp Deep Sleep Mineral Bath Salt - Valerian & Hops
I am not mistaken, Sebastian Kneipp, one of the founders, a priest who
at 28 contracted the deadly [at the time] tuberculous and was cured by
hydrotherapy. Which lead him to found Kneipp with his pharmacist friend
who shared the same natural product ideologies. Naturally, baths are an
excellent way to relax, lull you to sleep, a treat for a hard day at
work and for health reasons. While, I knew Kneipp was a good trusted
brand -- I was bit wary to try the bath salts. I don’t know why, I am
kicking myself for not trying earlier. After returning from exhausting
day of errands and family gatherings, I was already super tired,
exhausted and sleepy. I decided a bath would have been a perfect way to
unwind and take it easy. When I open the packet, the air was flooded of
Valerian and Hops [I am not sure what either smells like but I guess it
has to be the scent I was sniffing :) ]. The blue salt crystals turned
the bath water into a beautiful azure blue color. The color you imagine
the water being in tropical islands [and also hiding sharks under their
alluring surface]. I immediately slipped in and was immediately
transported into a Greek soaking tub. I started to relax; I felt my
tension melting away. The water was still fragranced and left my skin
softly scented and my skin soft to the touch. While the blue color
didn’t stain my tub, I wouldn’t recommend using anything white near it
[towels, mats] or porous colors though. Even after my bath, the scent is
still wafting through the air. How was I feeling after the bath and was
I able to sleep better? I am having trouble staying awake to write this
review but I don’t feel the disgusted I - want - to - sleep - get - out
- of - my - way but more like I am at peace and I could go for a nice
nap. Which right about now, sounds great. Good night! I am happy to
report, I did have a restful deep sleep last night. I am totally in love
with this bath salt.
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