Showing posts with label Amy & Lan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amy & Lan. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Book Review - Amy & Lan by Sadie Jones


Amy Connell and Lan Honey are childhood friends and spend most of their time together. They live together with their families on a 78 acre farm in the South West of England. Three sets of parents who are best friends decide to buy the farm in Frith. They decide to learn how to farm the land and raise their families together. As Amy and Lan explore the farmland and play together, there is a hidden danger they are not aware of.

The book is told from alternating point of views from Amy and Lan. I found that the story to move very slowly while the "mystery" was fairly obvious. While it was interesting to read the story from Amy's and Lan's point of view, I felt that the kids missed a lot of nuances because they didn't want to get involved with adult stuff or were more interested in playing. I wish we also got to hear the sides of the adults as well because they felt like projections and not like real people because we only knew how the kids felt about them.All in all, I felt like the novel was a rather pointless read to me but, I can see how some readers might enjoy this coming of age novel.