Before Photo |
After Photo |

Before you ask, what is a brown skin person using a self-tanner, I wanted to see what the fuss about. Most people think having brown skin means you don’t get cellulite or it becomes less visible. I can sadly say, this is not the case. The tanning lotion didn’t make the cellulite less noticeable...er...I mean..what cellulite? The tanner promises a “natural - looking color that's streak-free, hassle-free and with our breakthrough patent-pending technology, now has no sunless tanner odor.” While the tanner wasn’t completely odorless, it just wasn’t as strong as many others. I didn’t notice any streaks mostly because the color gradually appears when you apply the lotion daily. After applying, don’t be fooled by the white lotion, wash your hands otherwise you will end up with tell tale orange hands [trust me], but imparted a soft golden bronze color on my skin. As a side note, make sure to apply a thin layer and not to double up anywhere thinking you missed a spot otherwise you will get splotches. And try to go easy on the drier areas, like knees, ankles, elbows, and knuckles or it looks a bit weird. While I rarely burn, I don’t get a golden color [sadly]. But I must say, I don’t think that golden color is something found naturally in nature. The color started to fade by day 3 and I would recommend this to anyone who wants a “little color” should try it or as soon as we invent the technology, I will be more than happy to share my natural brown color :}
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