Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Book Review - A Bite Above the Rest by Christine Virnig

A Bite Above the Rest by Christine Virnig is about a young boy, Caleb, who moves to Samhain, Wisconsin with his mother after his father passed away. His mother had great memories when she used to live in Samhain and loves that the small town celebrates Halloween every day. Kids and adults, all dress in costume, and businesses and houses are decorated with ghoulish décor.

Caleb isn’t a fan of Halloween when it normally occurs once a year.  So, with Samhain being obsessed with Halloween,  Caleb isn’t looking forward to moving to the new town. He feels that the town is being over the top with kitschy vibes. In addition to wearing costumes daily, the mayor is so committed to his act of being a vampire that he is only available in the City Hall during sundown to sunup. Caleb is the only one at his school who refuses to dress up, so he is constantly picked on by other students. He does manage to befriend another fellow misfit, Tai. The timing of his new budding friendship couldn’t come at a better time, as he has noticed weird things happening around Samhain.

The children’s book is a fun and quirky read. It was easy to read and had a few funny jokes. The book was straightforward and didn’t have any unexpected twists. Even though the book had a few spooky themes, it isn’t scary for young readers. It was fun reading how Tai and Caleb were trying to find ways to discover if monsters do exist. The ending does leave an opening for the second book.

 **Disclosure - I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest opinion** 

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