The novel tells the story of the search for Tutankhamun's tomb. Many people believed that the dig unleashed a curse. The treasures found within the tomb was heavily debated who owned them and whether or not foreigners should be digging for them.
The boy pharaoh Tutankhamun ruled and died young and his followers had prepared him for the afterlife. His tomb was filled with treasure and goodies that he would need for the afterlife. His tomb was raided a few times but, then the sands from the Valley of the Kings had buried the tomb and it was lost to time.
I found the book to be an engrossing and thrilling read. The book is marketed towards young readers but, I found myself to be spellbound while reading it. The author did a good job at keeping readers charmed and engrossed with the book. I loved that the author included photos and little breaks in the chapters that told of "weird" coincidences. I am definitely open to reading more books by the author.
**Disclosure - I received an unedited version of the book in exchange for an honest opinion**
the Book:
Title: THE CURSE OF THE MUMMY: Uncovering Tutankhamun's Tomb
Author: Candace
Date: September 7, 2021
Publisher: Scholastic
Formats: Hardcover,
eBook, audiobook
Pages: 304
it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, Audible, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD,
Award-winning and critically acclaimed author Candace Fleming presents the edge-of-your-seat true story of the search for Tutankhamun's tomb, the Western public's belief that the dig was cursed, and the battle for ownership of the treasures within.
During the reign of the New Kingdom of Egypt, the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun ruled
and died tragically young. In order to send him on his way into the afterlife,
his tomb was filled with every treasure he would need after death. And then, it
was lost to time, buried in the sands of the Valley of the Kings.
His tomb was also said to be cursed.
Centuries later, as Egypt-mania gripped Europe, two Brits -- a rich earl with a
habit for gambling and a disreputable, determined archeologist -- worked for
years to rediscover and open Tutankhamun's tomb. But once it was uncovered,
would ancient powers take their revenge for disturbing and even looting the
pharaoh's resting place? What else could explain the mysterious illnesses,
accidents, and deaths that began once it was found?
About Candace:
Candace Fleming awarded herself the Newbery Medal in
fifth grade after scraping the gold sticker off the class copy of The Witch of
Blackbird Pond and pasting it onto her first novel—a ten-page, ten-chapter
mystery called Who Done It? She’s been collecting awards (her own, not
Elizabeth George Speare’s) ever since.
Today, Candace is the versatile and acclaimed author of more than forty books for children and young adults, including the Los Angeles Times Book Prize honored The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of the Russian Empire; Boston Globe/Horn Book Award-winning biography, The Lincolns; the bestselling picture book, Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!; the Sibert-Award-winning Giant Squid; and the beloved Boxes for Katje. She contributed the chapter on Katharine of Aragon to Fatal Throne. Photo credit: Michael Lionstar.
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Giveaway Details:
3 winners will win a finished copy of THE CURSE OF THE MUMMY, US Only.
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
8/24/2021 |
Excerpt |
8/25/2021 |
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8/25/2021 |
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8/26/2021 |
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8/27/2021 |
Excerpt |
8/27/2021 |
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8/28/2021 |
Interview |
Week Two:
8/29/2021 |
Excerpt |
8/29/2021 |
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8/30/2021 |
Excerpt |
8/31/2021 |
Review |
8/31/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/1/2021 |
Review |
9/2/2021 |
Excerpt |
9/3/2021 |
Review |
9/4/2021 |
Review |
9/4/2021 |
Review |
Week Three:
9/5/2021 |
Review |
9/6/2021 |
Review |
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